
Brainstorm: Five Instagram post ideas

by | Jul 12, 2019 | Instagram, Marketing | 0 comments

Social media block is a real thing and it happens to everyone from time to time. It can be hard to come up with a regular flow of engaging content that your audience will love, but if you have a running list of ideas to pull from, it will make your job a lot easier.

As you’re brainstorming ideas or when you have a sudden flash of inspiration, document it in places that you can easily access from all of your devices and while on the go. Google Sheets and the iOS Notes app are great tools for this.

The next time you’re feeling inspired to post, but drawing a complete blank, use this list to get your synapses firing again!

Behind the Scenes

No matter what industry you’re in, your customers will love to take a peek into how you do the work you do. If you sell products, show your audience how they’re created. If you are a service provider, give a glimpse of how your team works together to provide services to them and what your creative process looks like. Some fun ways to do this are to film either a live or pre-recorded digital tour of your workplace, interviewing team members about their jobs or snapping shots of team meetings with highlights of exciting projects that are underway. Giving your followers exclusive access to your processes gives them motivation to keep coming back to your feed to find out what’s next.

Tips and Tricks

Nobody knows your business or your job better than you. Make a list of the top frequent questions you get from customers and clients, drop it in a graphic and answer those during regularly scheduled interviews. Doing a live video to answer user-submitted questions, or to give tips about your products is an engaging way to do this. Keep these types of posts conversational and fun and avoid using this as an opportunity to sell so that the information you’re sharing is beneficial to your followers.

Meet the Team

One of the downfalls of Instagram is that, when you post frequently, even the best content falls to the bottom over time. Plan monthly posts to introduce yourself and your team to followers, especially new ones who haven’t digitally met you yet. These posts will reinforce a sense of connection and remind your audience that there are real humans behind your business. Bonus idea: Turn these posts into pinned story highlights so that new visitors can easily meet your team when they visit your profile.


Did you hit your 100th follower? Sign on your 1,000th client? Plow through your 20th box of doughnuts in the break room? Whether it’s a really significant business milestone or a more lighthearted one, social media is the best place to capture, celebrate and share these milestones. Get creative and have fun.


These days, there is a holiday for everything. The list of holidays is endless; Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, Thank Your Mailman Day, Bring Your Dog to Work Day, Tooth Fairy Day, and the list goes on and on. If you’re looking for a quick, fun “freebie,” do a quick Google search on holidays being celebrated in the coming days and narrow it down to ones that are relevant to your biz. Stage a fun shot of your team celebrating the holiday and let the likes roll in!

Our team always loves a good brainstorm session. While these ideas can be applied to any business in any industry, we’d love to help you plan out content ideas that are specific to you target audience. We’re on standby to help your business stand out.  Reach out to us to get started!