Long before its current iteration, Pinterest, the very visual pinboard of social media, started off as an app called Tote. It allowed users to search and sort merchandise to create their own catalogue. Sounds like a good idea, especially for business. But, despite its appeal as an online product-collecting bin, it didn’t exactly explode onto the scene. Then the founders noticed some interesting behavior. Users were saving and sending photos of particular products – to themselves. And that’s essentially what Pinterest is today, but instead of a user base that includes thousands of people, the social media giant has now grown to more than 100 million active users and 500+ employees since its inception in 2010. Here are some other impressive stats to consider about Pinterest:
- It accounts for 90 percent of social media shares on the Internet.
- It is the second largest driver of traffic from social media sites.
- It generates more referral traffic than Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn.
So if pinning isn’t a part of your day-to-day strategy, now is the time to ask, why not? First off, Pinterest is no longer for just recipes or home-improvement project ideas. Yes, at some point this was the misconception. The net it casts is much, much wider. The site flourishes because it allows users to pin items from all around the web, no matter the topic, from every industry. Unlike photo-sharing apps, the emphasis is on the discovery and curation of other people’s content, including your product. If you ready to jump on board or improve your existing Pinterest account, here are five ways to make the most out of your pins.
Add a Pinterest Button
By “pinning” products on your own board, users within the site have the option to do the same. But this isn’t the only way for items to earn a spot on the board. Many sites have plug-ins that allow for this type of interaction with Pinterest. Learn more about adding the Pinterest button here.
Create Themed Boards
Business innovators can create boards or collections with themes that appeal to a particular audience. For example, your business can create a special holiday themed board of your product to boost branding and generate shopping ideas that can drive traffic back to your site. Remember, always include your link.
Use High-Quality Visuals
Pinterest is very visual, so take full advantage of high-quality photos and graphics to really showcase what you have to offer. Pinterest users are attracted by this feature and are more likely to share items that shine. So the best practice is to always put your product or services in the best light possible.
Consider ‘Buyable Pins’
You can also encourage immediate purchases with “Buyable Pins.” These pins are distinguished with the color blue and users can also search with this filter. With so many people surfing Pinterest boards, this type of convenience is not surprising, and it is available on both iOS and Android devices. Learn more here.
Promote your Pins
Pinterest allows users to purchase “Promoted Pins.” In essence, you can “promote” your best pins so they appear in the most relevant places. This allows for targeting so the right people see it and let’s you decide whether you want to pay for engagement or visits to your site. Paying for Promoted Pins also gives you a window into more data to see how well the campaign is working.