In today’s fast-paced digital world, standing out from the crowd and effectively reaching your target customers is harder than ever. That’s where personalized marketing comes in. Let’s dive into why it’s so important and how you can use it to boost your business. What...
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Articulating Your Brand with Guidelines
When businesses build brand recognizability, they are also increasing their value. That’s because brand recognition is directly correlated to how valuable businesses are perceived by consumers. A unified, well-tailored and cohesive brand also increases awareness and...
Five reasons to nail your branding
Everywhere you turn these days you hear someone talking about “branding.” It’s become sort of a buzz phrase with multiple meanings attached to it. Perhaps you’ve even participated in conversations about your own brand. But do you know what it means to have an...
Tips for growing an organic Instagram audience
In a perfect world, you could create an Instagram account, tell the world about it and sit back while the followers roll in. Unfortunately, we’re living in a crowded social media landscape and those days are in the rearview mirror. While it’s not always easy to amass...
Using colors to get your audience to take action
If you’ve ever visited a website for the first time and felt like you could instantly trust the company but couldn’t quite put your finger on why that was, you were likely experiencing the powerful impact that visual elements have on your psyche. The fonts, imagery...
Tips on starting a vlog to grow your brand
Vlogging is a good strategy to help build an online brand. A vlog is essentially a blog, but instead of it being word-based it is video-based. You have probably heard of YouTube and Instagram “stars,” well they largely get to that status because they create unique...
How small businesses can utilize influencer marketing
"Can you hear me now?" We all remember Test Man; the Verizon pitchman whose famous phrase became the trademark of the cellular giant. "I used to ask if you 'can hear me now' with Verizon," Paul Marcarelli said while featured in a recent Sprint commercial. "Not...
Virtual tours and drone videos add unique visual content marketing element
Online visual content marketing is here to stay and not only that, its value for company brands and the interest it draws from consumers only continues to grow. People want to be stimulated visually when they open their favorite app on their smartphone or open a...
Marketing to millennials isn’t a futile task, if you think different
"Think different." When Apple unleashed those two words, the marketing campaign took on a life of its own and was tremendously successful. It was the beginning of a re-emergence for the then-struggling company. Around the same time the slogan was released, the...
Five ways to improve your company’s efforts on Pinterest
Long before its current iteration, Pinterest, the very visual pinboard of social media, started off as an app called Tote. It allowed users to search and sort merchandise to create their own catalogue. Sounds like a good idea, especially for business. But, despite its...